David R. Denton
Dave has an attention for the smallest of details that is as good as anyone I have worked with in the past. This helps him balance the day to day job of running DT’s California office, mentoring the younger lawyers in the office and handling the more complex cases the firm handles every day.
Some attorneys are good at some parts of the litigation process, but not others. Dave can do it all. He can effectively strategize where he wants to go with a subrogation case, develop the necessary facts during discovery, find the weaknesses in an opposing expert’s opinions at their deposition, write persuasive motions or responses and, if necessary, try the case without hesitation. A case in point is the Dorel Industries matter, where Dave did all of these things — and did them well (although he did not have to try the case, as thanks to his persistence the matter finally settled on the eve of trial).
London (Camden), England
Married. We have a daughter, Serena.
Sports (baseball, basketball, football); trying new restaurants; movies; a good book; hiking; fantasy football, and spending time with the family.